Developing Python scripts for Raspberry Pi using IntelliJ IDEA

I switched from various Eclipse flavours (vanilla, CDT) to IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate Edition almost a year ago and never looked back. The IDE is not only suitable for Java development, but for Python projects as well and I would like to use it when developing Python scripts that ought to run on my Raspberry Pi. Programming directly on the Raspberry Pi using an IDE can be quite cumbersome, since modern IDEs run abysmally due to the CPU and memory limitations of the Pi and unless your a vi guru, you won't have fun with that editor either. I needed a way to write my Python scripts on my development machine, while programming against the Python SDK on the Pi (with all its installed libraries like RPi.GPIO and pygame) remotely. Easy deployment to the Pi would be a benefit, but not necessarily a must-have, since I could live with a simple scp-based solution that copies over project files recursively. Turns out that IDEA is able to fulfill both requirements to full extent, easing Python development for the Pi tremendously. This short article will guide you through the configuration of a remote Python interpreter and the setup of an module-based deployment to your Pi.

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Devoxx 2013 @ Antwerpen, Belgium

Date Tags Java / JUG

A very exciting week has finally come to an end - the mother of all Devoxx incarnations took place this week at the Metropolis Business Center in Antwerpen, Belgium. With roughly about 3500 fellow software engineers, over 200 presentations held by international speakers and 9 tracks the Devoxx is one of the biggest Java-related events in the world. And always a blast. This is my third time at this conference as a guest and I have to say that it is always an ideal place to mingle and exchange ideas, new technologies and trends with other developers.

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Buchrezension zu Functional Programming in Java 8

Mit Version 8 erreichen Lambda Expressions endlich Java und gehören in naher Zukunft zum Standard-Repertoire eines jeden Java-Entwicklers. Doch wie schlägt man am besten die Brücke von Java 7 zu Java 8? Nahezu zeitgleich mit dem Release von Java 8 ist das neue Buch Functional Programming in Java von Venkat Subramaniam erschienen. Das Buch hat den Anspruch, genau diese Lücke zu schließen und insbesondere Leser mit wenig bis keiner Erfahrung in funktionaler Programmierung effektiv mit den Möglichkeiten der neuen Lambda-Funktionen und der Streams-API vertraut zu machen.

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Hi there! I'm Markus!

I'm an independent freelance IT consultant, a well-known expert for Apache Kafka and Apache Solr, software architect (iSAQB certified) and trainer.

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